WOOP Your Procrastination!

October 24, 2017 by Dr. Gordon

Researcher Gabrielle Oettingen says you should WOOP your life.

No, this is not an obscure dance move, or a rap song.  WOOP is an acronym that stands for:





In my last blog post I wrote about procrastination and how it is often a mask for anxiety and avoidance.  WOOP is a strategy for overcoming those anxious blocks and procrastination habits that has been well researched and shown to be effective (also called an evidence-based coping strategy).

  1. First, picture your wish for the day. Pick a wish that feels challenging but that you can fulfill within the next four weeks.
  2. Second, if your wish is fulfilled, where would that leave you? What would be the best, most positive outcome? How would fulfilling your wish make you feel?

Identify your best outcome and take a moment to imagine it as fully as you can.

  1. Third, what is it within you that holds you back from fulfilling your wish? It might be an emotion, an irrational belief, or a bad habit. Think more deeply—what is it really?

Identify your main inner obstacle and take a moment to imagine it fully.

  1. Fourth, What can you plan to overcome your obstacle? Identify one action you can take or one thought you can think to overcome your obstacle.

Make the following plan for yourself: “If… (obstacle), then I will … (action or thought).”

For example, Susan’s husband in my last blog post could have made the following plan:  “If I feel anxious and have the urge to research hotels online, then I will set a timer for 5 minutes of relaxation and resume working at whatever was making me anxious after 5 minutes.”

There you have it.  A coping strategy to beat procrastination.  WOOP your life.

Credit to: http://woopmylife.org/  for the details on woop, and to The Hidden Brain podcast for introducing me to Dr. Oettingen’s work.  Please note that “Susan” is a fictional person.