Psychoeducational and Neuropsychological Evaluations for Children on the Upper West Side, NYC

Is your child struggling in school? Are you or their teachers confused about why their performance is variable, concerned that they are not achieving their full potential? Perhaps they’ve been struggling socially, not fitting in, and someone has suggested they might have some learning differences or Autism Spectrum brain-style differences?

As child psychologists, we understand your concerns about your child’s well-being and academic success. After all, school is where your child spends the majority of their day, and it’s important that things go well there. Psychoeducational and neuropsychological evaluations can provide clarity and direction, and our team of compassionate psychologists is here to offer support, guidance, and valuable insights to help your child thrive.

What is a Psychoeducational or Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Evaluations include various assessment measures of a child’s cognitive, academic, and social-emotional functioning. Each child is unique, and therefore each assessment will be unique. Typical components of an evaluation may include an IQ test, a standardized academic achievement test, as well as tests of specific domains of learning, executive functioning, and social and emotional functioning.  Our evaluations provide insight into a child’s unique strengths and areas for growth, helping to identify underlying factors that may be contributing to difficulties in school or social situations.

What to Expect from a Neuropsychological Evaluation

At Gordon Therapy Group, our neuropsychological evaluation process is designed to be child-friendly and supportive:

  1. We start with a parent interview, getting your perspective and a full history of your child’s growth and development.
  2. After the initial parent meeting, your psychologist will meet with your child directly for a number of hours, generally spread out over a few days. The evaluation may include a series of engaging activities, interviews, and standardized assessments to evaluate your child’s cognitive abilities, academic skills, and emotional well-being. 
  3. Through this process, we aim to uncover the underlying factors contributing to your child’s difficulties and provide you with a clear understanding of their strengths and challenges.
  4. After all of the data has been collected and analyzed, you will have a feedback session and receive a written report with results and recommendations. 

Can a Neuropsychological Evaluation Diagnose ADHD, Dyslexia, or Autism?

Yes, a neuropsychological evaluation can diagnose ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia, and other learning disabilities. 

As part of our evaluation, we will provide you with a written report and an in-person feedback session that includes specific recommendations and support strategies to help your child succeed in school, at home, and with peers.

Why Choose Gordon Therapy Group?


Our team consists of experienced psychologists with specialized training in assessing children’s cognitive, educational, and emotional needs. We don’t just do testing but are also clinicians who work with kids and parents to provide cognitive behavioral therapy and are therefore uniquely able to differentiate challenges caused by learning differences from difficulties caused by emotional or mental health needs.

Compassionate Care

We understand the importance of empathy and patience when working with children. Our psychologists create a nurturing environment where your child can feel comfortable and supported throughout the evaluation process.

Personalized Recommendations

Following the evaluation, we provide detailed feedback and practical recommendations. Whether it’s accessing educational accommodations, implementing targeted interventions, or connecting with additional support services, we’re here to help your child succeed.

Partnership with Parents

We believe in the power of collaboration between parents, educators, and healthcare providers. We work closely with you to ensure that you have the knowledge and resources to support your child’s growth and development both at home and in school.

Take the First Step

If you’re concerned about your child’s learning or behavior, contact Gordon Therapy Group to schedule a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation for your child. Our team of compassionate psychologists is here to offer support, guidance, and valuable insights to help your child thrive. Together, we can unlock your child’s full potential and pave the way for a brighter future.

FAQs on Psychoeducational and Neuropsychological Testing for Children

1. What are the issues involved in psychoeducational and neuropsychological assessment of children?

Issues involved in neuropsychological assessment of children include the need for age-appropriate testing, ensuring the child’s comfort and cooperation, and accurately interpreting test results in the context of developmental stages.

2. What is the youngest age for neuropsych testing?

Neuropsychological testing can be conducted with children as young as 2-3 years old, depending on the specific concerns and the child’s ability to engage with the assessment process, but at Gordon Therapy Group we typically work with children ages 6 and up. 

3. Is a neuropsychological evaluation worth it?

A neuropsychological evaluation is often worth it as it provides a thorough understanding of a child’s cognitive, academic, and social-emotional profile. This information is crucial for developing effective educational plans and therapeutic interventions.  For high school students who may require extra time on the SAT, ACT, or other standardized tests, a neuropsych report can be an important step in receiving those accommodations. 

4. Do you provide updated testing reports if my child has been previously assessed?

Yes, every testing process is designed to meet the needs of the specific child.  If you already completed an evaluation and your school is just requesting an updated IQ and Achievement test or other measures, we are able to do that and will adjust the cost of the testing appropriately. 

5. How to prepare a child for neuropsychological evaluation?

Preparing a child for a neuropsychological evaluation involves explaining the process in a child-friendly manner, ensuring they are well-rested, and encouraging them to do their best. It can also be helpful to discuss any concerns with the psychologist beforehand.

6. How to get an official ADHD diagnosis?

An official ADHD diagnosis is typically made through a comprehensive evaluation that includes a clinical interview, behavioral assessments, and standardized rating scales. Comprehensive neuropsychological testing can be a valuable part of this process, clarifying specific strengths and weaknesses, but a clinical psychologist at Gordon Therapy Group can also diagnose ADHD with just a clinical interview of the parents and child along with information and rating scales from teachers.