Select Workshop Testimonials

  • We just finished our meetings for the week and I just wanted to circle back to say how truly invaluable your session with us was today. You really answered so many of our questions but also gave us tools and language that either reinforced current practices or clarified ways to approach some tough topics to feel that we are helping, not hurting. Clearly we could have gone another hour but the structure of your slides really provided such clarity!
  • Wanted to send a quick thank you for joining today.  It was just the kind of content our team was looking for.  One colleague in my small group debrief shared that not a single minute went by that he wasn’t learning something… very high praise! Thanks again!
    • Comments from training with college admissions counseling staff on handling mental health issues, given for Bright Horizon.
  • Excellent….Simple, concrete information and tips with resources for more information
  • Excellent…the verbal description of a panic attack was the best I’ve ever heard….it’s very pleasing to see how easy it is now to gather information about something that wasn’t talked about from my viewpoint….my son won’t have the same [bad] experience as I did because of information sharing.
    • Respondents from Webinar “Understanding and Supporting Children with Anxiety and Depression”, given for Torchlight