
July 29, 2015 by Dr. Gordon

As a psychologist, one of the things I do most often is notice patterImage result for escher picturens. I look for behavioral patterns, and emotional patterns – things that repeat – both good and bad.  When a client and I successfully identify a pattern together, that’s when we start to be able to make changes.  The reason for this is obvious, but worth repeating; until you recognize what you are doing wrong, it is impossible to do right.

Today I’d like to share some of my own patterns as a therapist.  If you work with me, chances are at some point you’ll hear me tell you at least one of the following:

  1. Mood is a spectrum. The difference between healthy and unhealthy is mostly about intensity and duration, not kind.
  2. It’s what we do that matters. Your feelings are valid and important information, but how you respond to your feelings will make all the difference in the world.
  3. Act with courage and intention. Anxiety is a problem when it forces you not to do the things you want to do.
  4. When you are sad, depressed, or hopeless, you may not want to do anything, but taking positive action is exactly what you need when you want it the least.

If only actualizing these ideas was as easy as writing them out….

You know you’re in a good therapy pattern when you can turn these ideas into realities.