Five Reasons Why I Love Spring

May 7, 2015 by Dr. Gordon


  1. Flowers. A couple of months ago I bought some $3 daffodils on my way home from work. It was dark, and a snowstorm was just getting started. Most people had their heads down against the wind. The thing I love about these flowers and their sunny yellow heads is the sheer optimism and persistence they exude. At least in NYC, they are the first sign that winter is giving way. Snow or no snow, these buds are pushing on through.
  2. More sunlight, less depression. My work is easier when people can put away their light-boxes and just go outside to improve mood.
  3. School is almost over – but not yet. At least in our family, the kids feel happier knowing that summer is coming, and that they will probably go to the playground after school. But we still have a schedule and I am not yet scrambling for child-care!
  4. The fruits and vegetables start to taste better. One of my favorite mindfulness exercises involves eating a food slowly and mindfully – easier to do when the fruit is good.
  5. Isolation goes down. Not to over-play the weather piece here, but it is easier to socialize when you don’t have to shovel snow to do it. People are out and about, and that makes it easier to feel a part of the world even if the only thing you are doing is walking down the street.